Letters - General Training

You paid a refundable deposit when you rented an apartment. You left the apartment in good condition but the landlord won’t refund the amount.
Write a letter to the landlord and

– explain why you are writing
– ask for the return of the deposit
– inform the landlord of possible legal action

Write at least 150 words
Begin your letter as follows:

Dear Mr. ………………,


Dear Mr. Thomson,

I am writing about the deposit of 250 dollars I paid you at the time of renting your flat (No 16 A, Rushmore Road) for 6 months. The agreement I signed at the time of renting the flat clearly stated that the deposit was refundable when I vacated the flat. I have already contacted you two times but could not get a satisfactory reply from you.

I wish to point out that when I vacated the flat your assistant inspected it and was fully satisfied with its condition. Since I left the flat in perfect condition, you are supposed to refund the amount to me in full and I request you to do this without any further delay.

I wish to point out that if I do not get a positive response within three days I will be forced to take legal action in the matter.

I hope we will be able to settle the matter in an amicable manner.

Yours sincerely,


You arranged to visit a friend in England but an important event at home now means that you must change the date of the visit.
Write a letter and in your letter:

– explain the important event
– apologise for the situation and
– suggest a new arrangement.

Write at least 150 words
Begin your letter as follows:
Dear ………………,

Dear Tom,

How are you, Kate and the kids? I hope you all are fine.

Tom, there has to be a change in my plan to visit you all next month. I am changing jobs and taking up a new position as regional sales manager with a major computer firm. It is a great opportunity and I have to take charge next week itself. After taking up the new post, I will be busy at least for two months as I have to visit all the branch offices.

I am very sorry we have to drop our plans. I know you have made all arrangements for my visit and they have to be cancelled now. Everything was so unexpected.

But can I suggest an alternate date? Will it be alright if I came in July? I can make myself free then and would like to make the trip if it is fine with you all. Please let me know.


Best Regards,

Task 1 Questions for practice.

1. Your neighbour has recently written to you to complain about noise from your flat. Write a letter to
the neighbour. In your letter
– explain the reason for the noise – apologise – describe what action you will take.
Write at least 150 words
Begin your letter as follows:

Dear ………………,


2. You have a full time job and are also doing a part-time evening course. You now find that you
cannot continue the course. Write a letter to the course tutor. In your letter:
– describe the situation – explain why you cannot continue at this time – say what action you would like to take.
Write at least 150 words
Begin your letter as follows:

Dear Mr. ………………,


3. You borrowed an important text book from a classmate last term. You now realise that your classmate has
returned home overseas and you still have the book. Write a letter to him/her.
In your letter:
– apologise for the mistake, – find out how important the book is to him/her, – say what you will do.
Write at least 150 words
Begin your letter as follows:

Dear ………………,


4. You have received a letter from your bank asking you to acknowledge receipt of a new bank card.
However, the card was missing from the envelope. Write a letter to the bank. In your letter:
– explain why you are writing, – express concern about the missing card, – ask them what they intend to do.
Write at least 150 words
Begin your letter as follows:

Sir/ Madam,


5. You have recently been to stay with an old friend for a few days. You hadn’t seen each other for a long time.
Write a letter to your friend and in your letter say:
– how you felt about the visit – refer to something you did while staying with him/her – invite your friend to
visit you.
Write at least 150 words
Begin your letter as follows:

Dear ………………,


6. You are studying overseas. You need to return to your country before the end of the semester for a
family event. Write a letter to your supervisor and in your letter:
– request the time off – explain why you need to leave – reassure him/her that your studies will not suffer.
Write at least 150 words
Begin your letter as follows:

Dear Prof. ………………,


7. You have seen an advertisement for part time work in a hotel for three months over the summer.
Write a letter to the manager in your letter:
– say what experience you have, – ask what the work involves, – and enquire about work conditions.

Write at least 150 words
Begin your letter as follows:

Sir/ Madam,


8. You travelled by long distance bus recently and your suitcase was damaged.
Write a letter to the bus company and inform:
– when and where you travelled – describe your suitcase and what happened to it – and explain why
the company should pay for a new suitcase.
Write at least 150 words
Begin your letter as follows:

Sir/ madam,


9. Your friend from UK is making a business trip to your town. She has never visited your country before and
wants to know what you can do together in her free time. Write a letter and in your letter
– describe some activities for her free time, – suggest some restaurants/food in your town, – and offer to meet her.
Write at least 150 words
Begin your letter as follows:

Dear ……..,


10. A friend you met last year has invited you to visit them in their country. You have never been there
and need some information before you leave. Write a letter to the friend. In your letter:
– ask advice about a gift for his/her family – ask about activities and clothing -find about the food.

Write at least 150 words
Begin your letter as follows:

Dear ……..,


11. You paid a refundable deposit when you rented an apartment. You left the apartment in good
condition but the landlord won’t refund the amount. Write a letter to the landlord and in your letter:
– explain why you are writing – ask for the refund – inform the land of possible legal action

Write at least 150 words
Begin your letter as follows:

Dear Mr. ……..,


12. You arranged to visit a friend in England but an important event at home now means that you must
change the date of the visit. Write a letter and in your letter:
– explain the important event – apologise for the situation – suggest a new arrangement.

Write at least 150 words
Begin your letter as follows:

Dear ……..,


13. You are going to visit New Zealand for an English and ‘Homestay’ program. You have just received the
details of your ‘Homestay’ host family. Write a letter to the family and
– introduce yourself – ask the family some questions to get information that is important to you
– tell the family the date of your arrival along with time.
Write at least 150 words
Begin your letter as follows:

Dear Mr. ……..,


14. You saw an advertisement for a skiing course in Canada but you have one or two problems and can’t
stay for the whole course. Write a letter to the course director and:
– explain your interest in the course – describe your problem. – find out if a refund is possible.
Write at least 150 words
Begin your letter as follows:

Dear Sir/ Madam,……..,


15. An old car was left on the street near your apartment block several weeks ago. You telephoned the
local council to get them to take it away, but nothing has been done about it. The car is causing a
problem for the residents. Write a letter to the Council. In your letter:
– describe the car – outline the problem it is causing – tell the council what you want them to do.

Write at least 150 words
Begin your letter as follows:

Dear Sir/ Madam,


16. You want to sell some of your furniture. You think a friend of yours might like to buy it from you.
Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:
– explain why you are selling – describe the furniture – suggest a date when your friend can come and see the furniture.
Write at least 150 words
Begin your letter as follows:

Dear ……..,


17. You were hurt in a minor accident inside a supermarket, and you wish to complain to the supermarket.
Write a letter to the manager of the supermarket. In your letter
– say who you are – give details about the accident – suggest how the supermarket could prevent similar incidents.
Write at least 150 words
Begin your letter as follows:

Dear Sir/ Madam,


18. A friend recently visited your home and forgot to take his mobile phone with him/ her when he/ she left.
Write a letter and in your letter:
– about the visit – inform him/ her about the phone – what you will do to send the phone.
Write at least 150 words
Begin your letter as follows:

Dear …….,


19. You and your friend booked theatre tickets in advance. But you cannot go for the show. In your letter:
– apologise – explain the reason – describe what alternate arrangement you can make.

Write at least 150 words
Begin your letter as follows:

Dear …….,


20. You are going to have an operation and will have to start work soon afterwards. Write a letter to your
manager and in your letter
– inform about the operation – what kinds of jobs you can do after it – offer suggestions
Write at least 150 words
Begin your letter as follows:

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